This video shows how to peel garlic in less than 10 seconds. hope you like it!
Este video enseña coño pelar ajos en menos de 10 segundos. Espero les guste!
lunes, 30 de enero de 2012
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012
amsterdam, delft and old friends...
These are pictures from last sounds so far away but they are not. With all the exams I havent had the time to update the blog as often as Id like to but this is a start.
I went to The Netherlands for a short trip and I headed to Delft to visit Anna and Geronimo and I ended up staying more time in Delft than in Amsterdam (as planned). Delft is thr dutch equivalent of Leuven, in my opinion.Beautiful, small and full of students. I stayed in Amsterdam with Andrea, a friend from Maracaibo and she even joined me in my delftian adventure. Good conversations, wine, vynil, food, vintage shopping...thats how i would describe this trip. here are some random pics of the trip.
Estas fotos son del año pasado...suena tan lejos pero no es asi- Con todos los examenes no he tenido tiempo de actualizar el blog tanto como quisiera pero esto es un comienzo.
Me fui a Holanda por un viaje corto y mi rumbo fue Delft para visitar a Anna y a Geronimo y termine quedándome mas tiempo en Delft que en Amsterdam (como lo habia planeado). Delft es el equivalente holandés de Lovaina, en mi opinión. Bonito, pequeño y estudiantil. Me quede en Amsterdam con Andrea, una amiga de Maracaibo y ella inclusive se unió a mi aventura delftiana. Buenas conversaciones, vino, viniles, comida y compras vintage... así describiría este viaje. Aquí hay algunas fotos del viaje.
andrea y yo |
Geronimo/Jeroen |
Anna |
Geronimo has an impressive wall size map and here its me fooling around with it....Geronimo tiene una mapa impresionante del tamaño de la pared. Aqui estoy tonteando con el mapa |
los zapatos de Geronimo |
lunes, 9 de enero de 2012
WHAT is Henry Rollins?

Henry Rollins is coming to Leuven and I already got my ticket in hand but eveytime I tell my friends about how excited I am to see him the reactions range from: "I know his name but I don´t know why" to "What exactly is Henry Rollins?".
In the past, I’ve found myself trying to explain my friends who a number of artists or bands are but in my opinion knowing who Henry Rollins is goes beyond basic musical knowledge. I spent the good first half of my high school years listening to different kinds of genres, from new metal to black metal to 60s music in some sort of musical solitary road (cause in Venezuela most of the people are into tropical music) . Even though I started listening to rock and punk before my brother, it was him who pushed Black Flag and Henry Rollins on me, along with Minor Threat, Teen Idles, Circle Jerks, Bad Brains among others.
It is difficult to translate in one sentence or two the exntesion of what Henry Rollins is or even what he meant to me while growing up. The following video is about the history of harcore in America, kind of a crash course if you are interested...
Fronting the band Black Flag, Henry took the streets of the Regan-era suburbia and took a bunch of youngsters along for the ride. BF was one the first significant hardcore/punk bands on the West Coast scene in the 80’s. Around 3:00 in the following video he talks about how making music was and how different it is from todays music business.
After BlACK FLAG (1986), he formed the ROLLINS BAND, this band had more of a commercial success and "Liar" is one of the most well-known songs of the band with Rollins´ signature voice and pitch...talking straight at you. The band released 7 albums between 1987-2001, with the height of their popularity peaking in the mid-90’s.
this is an interview in which he exposes some his opinions and stories from his life after The Rollins Band
A significant part of Rollins’ life is his "spoken word" performances, but what does that mean? If i had to summarize it I´d say: stand-up comedy + storytelling based in his adventures as a frontman and as a traveler. If you think hes gonna be singing, you are wrong. I ve been a follower for so many years now so I decided I wanted to know a bit more and I emailed him and to my surprise, he replied! Henry Rollins, himself! He was very kind to take some time to answer a few questions:
1- What do you want your audience to take away from your performance?
====== Hopefully, they were interested in what I had to say and that I didn’t bore them. That’s as good as it gets. Anything past that, like someone being inspired or something is a nice extra.
2- You've captured some beautiful and shocking images. How do you convince people to let you take pictures of them? Did you have any training?
=======I just ask. Some say yes and many say no. If they say no, I don’t. I have no training.
3- Do people recognize you when you travel to non-western countries?
===== Not much. In Indonesia sometimes because of films but past that, not much.
4-Have you considered going back on stage with a band ever again?
======= No.
5- Who is your current literary influence(s)?
====== I don’t really read literature any more. I read a lot of history and political stuff. Eric Foner’s new book on Lincoln is extremely good.
6-Have your feelings about getting married and women changed as you are getting older?
===== No. The last thing I would ever to is get married. Women are fine with me but I am the solitary type.
7- I saw a show called THE MAN SHOW. It is a very old show but the conlcusion is that you come across as a very masculine man but your opinion about yourself leans towards the feminine side. Do you think this has changed with time?
====== I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about there.
I know this a very long post but there´s so much writing needed if anyone wants to talk about what he has done -there are some things that im omitting-.
Despite his movie and television appearances and his moderate fame, punk still flows through his veins. He remains faithful to his ethics, he doesn’t get high, doesn’t get drunk and keeps a rigorous schedule. Hardworking, clear as water and as PI as anyone can be, the world needs more people like him and he should keep on talking...
miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012
A school trip to Arenberg Castle
Im using some pictures I had in my camera for days and weeks to finish the posts of 2011 and start fresh with the 2012 ones. Estoy usando fotos que teia en mi camara por dias y semanas para finalizar los posts del 2011 y empezar fresca con los del 2012.
As part of my art history class, the architecture professor took us to The Arenberg Castle. It is located in the outskirts of Leuven, in Heverlee. The site had been the castle of the lords of Heverlee since the 12th century, but this family became impoverished and had to sell it in 1445 to the Croÿ family from Picardy. Willem van Croÿ completed some restoration works on the castle in 1515, and founded a monastery on the castle grounds for the Benedictine Ceslestines. Como parte de mi clase de historia del arte, mi profesora de arquitectura nos llevo al Castillo de Arenberg que queda en las afueras de Lovaina, en Heverlee. Este ha sido el castillo de los lords de Heverlee desde el siglo XII pero la familia empobreció y tuvo que venderlo en 1445 a los Croy de Picardy. Willem van Croy completo unos trabajos de reconstrucción en el castillo y fundo un monasterio en los terrenos del castillo para las Benedictas Celestinas.
my teacher is the woman standing next to thedoor / mi profesa es la que esta parada al lado de la puerta |
The architectural style is in large part traditionally Flemish, with sandstone window frames and brick walls, though it has been structurally altered since 1515 and has elements of Gothic, Renaissance and Neo Gothic architecture and it is today what my teacher calls a patchwork. El estilo arquitectónico es en gran parte tradicionalmente flamenco, con algunas ventanas con marcos arenisca y paredes de ladrillo aunque ha sido alterado estructuralmente desde 1515 y tiene elementos de arquitectura gótica, renacentista y neo gótica y es ahora lo que mi profesora llama un trabajo lleno de parches.
Charles III of Croy was the 4th and last duke, and after his death without issue the castle passed to the Arenberg family into which his sister had married, and remained in that family until the First World War. Charles III de Croy fue el 4to y ultimo duque y después de su muerte en sin discusión el castillo paso a la familia Arenberg el cual su hermana se había casado y permaneció en la familia hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial.
The first manned gas-filled balloon flight in history took off from the front lawn of the castle on November 21, 1783; the balloonist was professor Jan Pieter Minckeleers. El primer vuelo de un globo de gas tripulado despego desde el cesped frontal del castillo el 21 noviembre de 1783, por el profesor Jan Pieter Minckeleers.
In 1921 the castle was sold to the Catholic University of Leuven, becoming the engineering campus. The building is open to the public. The former Celestine monastery now houses the campus library, and the addresses of many of the science buildings are on the street named,Celestijnlaan.
my mexican friends |
here im wearing what i like to call my fake chanel. its a wool Zara jacket, very warm/ aqui estoy usando la que me gusta llamar mi Chanel falsa. es de Zara hecha de lana, muy calentita |
classmates |
going home |
lunes, 2 de enero de 2012
24 y 31
This post is a patchwork of all the pictures taken by different people with different excuse me for the inconsistency. On the 24th I went to Gent to have dinner with Yhonny and Dirk and their family...we had an awesome time...had fancy food and fooled around and it felt like spending christmas with the family. thanks to them for being such good hosts and Jean and Evert for inviting me. Im wearing a LBD, my old shoes, fishnets and a miniberet/fascinator from Zara, a christmas gift from Evert and Jean. luv it!
Este post una mezcla de fotos de diferentes cámaras y tomadas por diferentes personas, así que disculpen la inconsistencia. El 24 me fui a Gante a cenar en casa de Dirk y Yohnny y su familia...nos divertimos mucho...todo muy lindo y muy bien decorado y mi comida estuvo rica -vegetariana- y sentí que pase la navidad con una familia. Gracias a ellos por ser tan buenos organizadores y a Evert y Jean por invitarme. Me puse el típico vestido negro, mis zapaticos viejos con medias de malla y una mini boina o fascinator de Zara que fue el regalo de Navidad de Evert y Jean. Me encanta!
Evert y Jean |
our hosts Yhonny and Dirk and Jean.
tis the season. part 2
Tine and her family invited me to a christmas dinner in Overpelt, it was a very belgian experience with the super sweet grandma trying to have a conversation with me in dutch and lots of food with potatoes (what can be more belgian that potatoes?)and nice company.
Tines aunt cooked a vegetarian meal for me which BTW was delicious - curry sauce FTW-. I like Tines family. They´ve all been very welcoming and they like drinking and getting together...
Tina y su familia me invitaron a Overpelt para una cena de Navidad, fue una experiencia muy belga con la abuelita hermosa tratando de hablar conmigo en holandes y mucha comida con papas (que puede ser mas belga que la papa?) y buena compañia.
La tia de Tina cocino un plato vegetariano para mi, que por cierto estaba delicioso, con curry!. Me gusta mucho la familia de Tina, todos han sido muy panas conmigo y les gusta beber y reunirse y compartir.
Añadir leyenda |
loved the hat! |
Tinita y yo |
Simoncito y yo |
i know this post is not very chronological...but the day after the xmas dinner in overpelt; tine, Astrid and I went was sort of a bungalow resort with a tropical theme and heating everywhere...very weird. I broke a nail and lost (im the second player on the screen) but we had fun. it reminded me why i dont play sports...because i SUCK at them. hehe/ se que este post no es muy cronologico...pero el dia despues de la cena de Navidad de Overpelt, Tina, AStrid y yo nos fuimos a jugar bowling. Era como un resort de bungalows (cabañas) con un tema tropical y calefaccion por todos lados...muy raro. Me rompi una uña y perdi (soy el segundo jugador en la pantalla) pero nos divertimos al final. Me hizo recordar porque no juego deportes ni nada...por que soy la peor...jaja
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