Unlike what i had thought, it wasnt that sad. i was very excited of coming to Europe and even though there were some tears here and there, my friends and family made it very easy and were very happy for me. Al contrario de lo que habia empezado, no fue tan triste. Estaba luy emocionada po venir a Europa y aun cuando hubo algunas lagrimas aqui y alla; mis migos y mi familia me la pusieron muy facil porque estabn muy felices por mi.
My pupils organized a farewell party on our last day of class and fed me with lots of sweets and crisps and my favorite: ice cream! / mis alumnos organizaron una fiesa de despedida en nuestro ultimo dia de clases y me alimentaron con muchos dulces y pepitos y mi favorito/ helado!
On my last day in Maracaibo some of my girlfriends took me to a lovely restaurant and I had a veggie burger - the only place on Maracaibo where you can get one-. The resturant is called CUMA and I highly recommend it. beautiful decor; good service; yummy food./ En mi ultimo dia en Maracaibo algunas de mis amigas me llevaron a un restuarante adorable y me comi una hamburguesa vegetariana (no saben lo dificil que es conseguir comida vegetariana en la ciudad) - el unico lugar en Maracaibo donde se puede conseguir una de esas-. El restaurant se llama CUMA y lo recomiendo. la decoracion es linda, el servicio es bueno y la comida es buena.
Vero y Vale
Emy fooling around and posing
Vero owns Peperitas, a local brand of accesories. everything is handmade she uses the most beautifil frabrics and materiales. I got this ring as a present and some other things. Thanks VERO! That same nnight I went back to my hometown and my best friends -the ones that still live in Venezuela- organized a surprise party! I just looove them. And my mom was invited, there she is...
Frainy, me, mom and valeria
Frainy and I posing a la Maracucho
Carlos and Ramon
My girls
Javier was not sure whether to have his drink or not, but he did it in the end
I said bye to my family @ My cousins bday
The day before Shantal was born. here, Elieth and Jon
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