Tired of going to the oude markt in Leuven and sick of listening to same music all the time, I headed to Antwerp on my own to go to a 30s-40s-50s music party and dance a little bit. It was held at the Antwerpen Central Station in a tent they set up for the holidays season. I got off the train and followed the delightful music and entered into what looked like a circus tent from the outside. Inside it looked completely different and it was a really nice location with a nice crowd full of swing dancing enthusiasts and against all odds, I had fun by dancing all night, talking to strangers and practicing my dutch (im not so good at it but we managed to communicate). / Cansada de ir al oude markt en Lovaina y de escuchar la misma musca todo el tiempo, me dirigí a Amberes solita para ir a una fiesta de música de los años 30-40-50 y bailar un poco. La fiesta fue en la Estación Central de Amberes en una carpa que pusieron por las fiestas. Me baje del tren y seguí la musica y entre en lo que desde afuera lucia como una carpa de circo. Adentro lucia completamente diferente, una locación super agradable llena de entusiastas del swing y en contra de todas las probabilidades la pase super bien bailando toda la noche, hablando con extraños y practicando el poquito de holandés que se...no es mucho pero me logre comunicar.
It was nice to see belgians dancing and making an effort to pull off the retro look, most of them didnt but its still refreshing to see people trying.../ Fue muy agradable ver a los belgas bailando y haciendo un esfuerzo por verse retro...no muchos lo lograron pero es de todas maneras refrescante ver a la gente intentando...
the nice wooden floors and the disco ball were part of the decor.
funny thing: people kept asking if i was there to do a swing dancing show... i guess it was the hair do.
one more shot of the cute djs
Make moving gif
on the way back..all knackered but happy
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