Photo by: Juan de los Mares Fotografía
I´ve been asked different kinds of questions regarding my style and it is simply difficult to answer when you feel the rest do not "get it". I come from a very homogeneous country where most girls want to look like the Kardashians and now I live in a country in which make up and dressing up is not the rule. It is undeniable that both this aspects have an influence on the way I look but on the other hand, I find my ways to separate myself from whats around me.
Here in Belgium, and in Venezuela, it can be difficult to be yourself. We have magazines, television shows, and even friends telling us what we should look like and what is more accepted. My problem is that if I pick up a magazine, the women shown there are not like me. I also must admit that I've always had a soft spot for fur trimmings and color -especially red that now has a political connotation in Venezuela- but until a few years ago, told myself it was wrong not to enjoy clothes that I like.
As I said I like fur, wellies, silly patterns and headpieces. Those things might not be the latest fashion magazine trends but in my little world of summer dresses all year round, they look good. My interest for vintage clothes comes from refusing to wearing skinny jeans and ugg boots with the excuse of staying warm. It is undeniable how glamourous women looked in the bygone eras and that´s something I try to emulate.
It can be hard sometimes. Firstable because it is a lot of work and second, because you´ll have to learn to deal with people staring at you if you're a bit different from everyone else. But if you want to wear ruffles and colors in the winter, do it! Do it sometimes or do it everyday! I try to think that I´m building my own style, and so should you...clothes are not merely protection or a layer to cover our naked bodies, you can make a statement with them, hve fun with them or as I do, create a fantasy world in which I juggle with the midcentury lifestyle and the modern world.
The reactions are not always negative, I always get approached by older women and I get smiles of approval. My friends understand that I´ve never been a very conventional Venezuelan and sometimes people on the streets look amused by my looks. So, my conclusion is whatever it is you like, do it. I think that at least when I grow older, Ill have nothing to regret when it comes to my sartorial choices, no matter how silly they may look for other people, because I´m having fun while I do it.