Los sausage rollos son un tipo de pasapalo/comida fácil comúnmente servida en fiesta y disponibles para llevar en cualquier panadería. Son tipicamente británicos y se encuentran en todos lados, yo por mi parte, decidí hacer mi propia versión vegetariana alterando un poco la receta original de Lorraine Pascale.
500grs de masa de hojaldre (en los supermercados se consigue en la parte de las comidas congeladas)
harina de trigo para poner sobre el tablon y trabajar la masa
1 huevo batido
8 salchichas sal pimentadas y cortadas en dos(en mi caso, salchichas vegetarianas).
hojas de tomillo (fresco)
1. Pre-calentar el horno a 200 grados centigrados
2. Poner la masa de hojaldre en una superficie enharinada y estirarla un poco mas con el rodillo. La masa de hojaldre normalmente esta hecha de capas, así que hay que tener cuidado cuando se trabaja porque se rompe fácilmente,para los sausage rolls la masa no tiene que estar muy inflada por eso es bueno usar el rodillo.
3.Cortar el rectángulo de masa a la mitad a lo largo y después hace 8 rectángulos (mas bien tiras) de igual ancho, que sea casi igual que el ancho de las salchichas. Ahora tienes 16 rectángulos.Con una brocha poner un poquito de huevo batido por un lado y poner la salchicha por el otro. Sazonar la salchicha con el tomillo o cualquier otra hierba y salpimentar. Enrollar la salchicha en la masa de manera que los dos lados de la masa se encuentren y repetir con todas las salchichas. Poner en la nevera como por 20 mins para que se mantenga la forma.
4. Cuando la masa este dura, sacarlos de la nevera y con un cuchillo hacer rayitas o puntitos con un tenedor a manera de decoracion. Con una brocha, se le pasa lo que quedo del huevo batido por encima y se hornean por 25-30 mins o hasta que la masa se torne dorada y se vea crocante.Sacar del horno y dejar enfriar un poco antes de servir.
A sausage roll is a type of convenience food commonly served at parties and available at bakeries as a take-away food item. It is typically british and I decided to make my own veggie version using Lorraine Pascale's recipe.
Totally lazy mini sausage rolls
Ingredients500g/1lb 2oz ready-made puff pastry
plain flour, for dusting
1 free-range egg, beaten
8 sausages (i used the veggie ones), cut in two
salt and freshly ground black pepper
small handful fresh thyme leaves
Preparation method
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
Roll the pastry out on a floured surface to a rectangle of about 48x32cm/19x12½in and bash the pastry with the rolling pin a bit. Puff pastry is made of fine layers and normally you have to be very delicate with it. For sausage rolls the pastry needs to be slightly puffed, but not too much, so bashing it with a rolling pin reduces the amount it puffs up.
Cut the large rectangle in half lengthways, then cut both smaller rectangles into eight equal sections. You now have 16 rectangles in total. Brush one end of each rectangle with a little of the beaten egg, lay a piece of sausage at the other end, then season the sausage with salt and freshly ground black pepper and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Roll the sausage up in the pastry to enclose and repeat with all the sausages. Put the sausage rolls in the fridge for 20 minutes for the pastry to harden.
Once the pastry is hard, remove the sausage rolls from the fridge and score the tops with a sharp knife for decoration, or prick with a fork. Brush well all over with the rest of the beaten egg and bake in the oven for 25--30 minutes, or until the pastry has turned golden-brown and looks crisp. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly before serving.
Ingredients500g/1lb 2oz ready-made puff pastry
plain flour, for dusting
1 free-range egg, beaten
8 sausages (i used the veggie ones), cut in two
salt and freshly ground black pepper
small handful fresh thyme leaves
Preparation method
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
Roll the pastry out on a floured surface to a rectangle of about 48x32cm/19x12½in and bash the pastry with the rolling pin a bit. Puff pastry is made of fine layers and normally you have to be very delicate with it. For sausage rolls the pastry needs to be slightly puffed, but not too much, so bashing it with a rolling pin reduces the amount it puffs up.
Cut the large rectangle in half lengthways, then cut both smaller rectangles into eight equal sections. You now have 16 rectangles in total. Brush one end of each rectangle with a little of the beaten egg, lay a piece of sausage at the other end, then season the sausage with salt and freshly ground black pepper and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Roll the sausage up in the pastry to enclose and repeat with all the sausages. Put the sausage rolls in the fridge for 20 minutes for the pastry to harden.
Once the pastry is hard, remove the sausage rolls from the fridge and score the tops with a sharp knife for decoration, or prick with a fork. Brush well all over with the rest of the beaten egg and bake in the oven for 25--30 minutes, or until the pastry has turned golden-brown and looks crisp. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly before serving.
En cuanto a la Rocket Salad, es super facil. 100 grs de Rugula/arugula, un punado de celery, un punado de tomates secos, aceite de oliva y albahaca para darte un saborcito mediterraneo, sal, pimienta y voila.
For the Rocket Salad (it's very easy to make) As simple as: 100 grs of Rocket leaves, a handful of celery, a handful of sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil and sprinkle with basil, -for a mediterranian flavor-, salt, pepper and voila.
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