Habiendo leido acerca del lugar (estoy casi segura que fue en algun blog), decidi ir al pinturesco Greenwich y llevar a mi mama para que tuviera una verdadera tarde de te britanica. Caminamos alrededor de Greenwich y gracias a unos avisos en la calle lo encontramos. El Museo del Abanico es el unico museo en el mundo dedicado exclusivamente a cada aspecto de los abanicos y la fabricacion de los mismos y su coleccion excede los 3500 que datan desde el siglo XII hasta el presente, junto con abanicos en calidad de prestamo de otras colecciones.
It sounds boring but it is actually a treat for the eyes and if you are interested in anything girly, vintage or beautiful, it is worth a visit. It is housed in two Georgian buildings and outside, an Orangery (the tea room) serving afternoon tea on Tuesdays and Sundays looks on to a Japanese-style garden. The Fan Museum is one of the few Greenwich attractions in which you have to pay to enter, but offering everything from an original fan painted by Gauguin to immaculate toilets, plus a great atmosphere with beautiful light, great service and a punk gardener ;) it's well worth the £4 entry (£3 concessions)./
It sounds boring but it is actually a treat for the eyes and if you are interested in anything girly, vintage or beautiful, it is worth a visit. It is housed in two Georgian buildings and outside, an Orangery (the tea room) serving afternoon tea on Tuesdays and Sundays looks on to a Japanese-style garden. The Fan Museum is one of the few Greenwich attractions in which you have to pay to enter, but offering everything from an original fan painted by Gauguin to immaculate toilets, plus a great atmosphere with beautiful light, great service and a punk gardener ;) it's well worth the £4 entry (£3 concessions)./
Suena aburrido pero en realidad es un carinito para los ojos y si te interesa cualquier cosa femenina, vintage o simplemente bonita, vale la pena ir. Queda en dos edificios Georgianos y afuera tiene la "naranjeria" (el salon de te) que sirve el te de la tarde los dias martes y domingos y que da la vista a un jardin de estilo japones. Esta es una de las pocas atracciones en Greenwich por la que se tiene que pagar pero tomando en cuenta que ofrecen desde un abanico original pintado por Gaugiun hasta sanitarios inmaculados, ademas de una gran atmosfera con luz natural preciosa, muy buen servicio y un jardinero punk con cresta y todo ;) vale la pena pagar las 4 libras de entrada
By the way, the scones were amazing and they have the best clotted cream I've ever had and most importantly, my mum loved it! / Por cierto, los scones estaban increíbles y probé la mejor clotted cream de mi vida y lo mas importante es que a mi mama le encanto el lugar!
The Fan Museum is open 11am-5pm Tuesday-Saturday and midday-5pm Sunday./ El Museo del Abanico esta abierto desde las 11 a-5pm de Martes a Sabado y desde el mediodia-5pm los domingos.

We also walked around and visited the Royal Observatory and the Maritime Museum and enjoyed the sunny day in greeny Greenwich. i was wearing my 40s trousers and navy inspired outfit

By the way, the scones were amazing and they have the best clotted cream I've ever had and most importantly, my mum loved it! / Por cierto, los scones estaban increíbles y probé la mejor clotted cream de mi vida y lo mas importante es que a mi mama le encanto el lugar!
The Fan Museum is open 11am-5pm Tuesday-Saturday and midday-5pm Sunday./ El Museo del Abanico esta abierto desde las 11 a-5pm de Martes a Sabado y desde el mediodia-5pm los domingos.
We also walked around and visited the Royal Observatory and the Maritime Museum and enjoyed the sunny day in greeny Greenwich. i was wearing my 40s trousers and navy inspired outfit
1 comentario:
cute blog. your glasses are the cutest!
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